Thursday, July 22, 2010

Target Field, Minneapolis

I saw my first Twins win at their new Target Field on Wed., July 21, when they shut out the Cleveland Indians 6-0 in salvaging at least one win in three tries against the AL Central's bottom team this week. As recently as Monday morning I wasn't planning to see a game this week, but later Monday I learned an uncle (my dad's brother) offered two ritzy tickets that he had received from someone else -- and my mother encouraged me to find/buy a third ticket so I could join them on the trip (I am on vacation this week).

Calling the Twins ticket office Monday, I ordered a standing-room-only ticket; in their inaugural season at the new park, it's really the only option you could expect through the Twins office just two days ahead. Looking back with 20/20 vision, I believe that's the last time I'll buy an SRO ticket. I woke up Thursday morning with a hurting left foot after as much walking and standing still as I did on Wednesday.

Regardless, I enjoyed a luxury spot as far as SRO tickets go for the first five innings. Being there when the gates opened at 10:40 a.m. (or 90 minutes prior to game time), I checked with an usher to see just where I could go with an SRO ticket. I then found an SRO railing complete with a shelf (one of very few available, from what I could tell) above the third-base line. With more than an hour to wait before first pitch, nonetheless I decided to get lunch to bring back to space on the luxurious shelf before the area got too crowded and I could lose my place.

Though Target Field collectively offers a wider menu than did the Metrodome, Wednesday I wanted to find the new stadium & Schweigert's answer to the old stadium & Hormel's signature Dome Dog. (This was my second game at Target Field. I saw a loss to the White Sox one night in May. This is supposed to be a blog about restaurants and the like that are new to me, but in a way Target Field was still new because all I ate there in May was bagged peanuts.) Wednesday, I walked up to a concession counter with signs marked "Hennepin Grille." I saw an item called a Dinger Dog at the top of a menu board. I asked if that came with chips, explaining that I was looking for an equivalent to the Dome Dog, a larger dog that was always served with a bag of chips. I was told the Dinger Dog was a foot-long without chips, and that what I was wanting could be found a stand or two away.

At a stand with "Mill City Grill" signs, I ordered the Twins Big Dog ($5.25) and was asked if I wanted chips -- what, could I have gotten carrot sticks or a different healthier option? The Twins caught flak before the season for breaking their ties with Hormel and entering a contract with Schweigert (still a Minnesota company). What's the difference between a Hormel Dome Dog and a Schweigert Twins Big Dog? Not much of one unless you're really looking for it. I was more put off that you can no longer find chopped onions available near the ketchup and mustard dispensers like you could at the Metrodome, and they don't offer sauerkraut for free at the counters where you order either. I guess they had to cut corners somewhere to afford the big checks for Joe Mauer. Get there early enough to find space on a shelf near an SRO railing, and you could bring and cut up your own onion, I suppose. (Bring a plastic bag of sauerkraut, too, if that's your game.) When you get done dicing an onion there and you've cleaned up and thrown away the mess, and if you're left a little teary-eyed and someone notices and asks if you're OK, just explain that you still can't get over the Twins dropping two out of three to the Indians.

I had enough standing where I was through five innings, so I started to roam and kept roaming through the final out. For $5.00, I finished my spending there on a chocolate-vanilla twist waffle cone with crushed Butterfinger candy topping. Available toppings include M&M's and other candy, plus strawberries and at least one other fruit choice. You can get a plastic spoon at the counter. The Target Field waffle cone had nothing on the Culver's frozen custard version, and some crumbled Butterfinger managed to do what the mustard on my Twins Big Dog could not (stain my shirt), but it was a sweet treat.

My next trip to Target Field may be Aug. 18, for when I actually have a ticket for a place to sit down. That'll feel new, and I also look forward to trying new foods.

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